- 021-788-388-30
- info@dgas.co.id
- Cibis Nine, Level 12, Unit N-2
President Director
A strategic partnership between Bapak Didik Achwan Widiyanto and IEV Energy Sdn Bhd to establish PT. IEV GAS, which will contribute towards the mobile natural gas business in Indonesia
PT. IEV GAS in collaboration with PT. Odira Energy Persada ( “PT. OEP”) to utilize lean gas from the LPG processing plant which managed by PT. OEP from the Tambun gas field PT. Pertamina EP Asset 3. By distributing gas […]
To support the increase in customers’ gas consumption needs, IEVGAS increased its compression capacity to 6 MMscfd. Inauguration of PT. IEV Gas in Cikarang was carried out by Mr. Yusuf Kalla, the vice president of Republic of Indonesia. As one […]
CNG Mother Station was established in Cikarang, West Java, with a capacity of 5 MMSCFD and inaugurated by Mr. Yusuf Kalla, vice president of the Republic of Indonesia.
To support the fulfillment of customer needs in the gas compression process, IEV Gas adds assets by purchasing 1 unit of CNG compressor so that the compressing capacity increases to 6 Mmscfd.This addition is made IEV GAS More strength to […]
IEV Holdings Limited, registered IPO on SGX, Singapore. PT. IEV Gas, as one of the as a subsidiary of IEV Holding LTD in Indonesia, contribute to the following all regulation related IPO process. IEV Gas being one of the considerations […]
IEV GAS Migration to EJ2 in Cikarang due to road closure.
GAS feed supply is very important to CNG business, therefor DGAS secure with renewal gas supply from PT. Rabana Gasindo makmur.
Bapak Achwan Widiyanto executed a Management Buy-Out (MBO) of IEV Energy’s 95% shares in IEVGAS.
IEVGAS changed its name to PT. DGAS Alam Semesta after the MBO. The new owner replaced the old company’s vision and mission; being a world-class energy provider in Indonesia is now the new vision.
Feed GAS supply is very important to CNG business, therefor DGAS secure with renewal gas supply from PT. Rabana Gasindo makmur. DGAS really understands the position of the need for compression support facilities in accordance with the increasing customer needs, […]
DGAS was made aware of a PPE shortage in hospitals that handle COVID-19 patients at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic emerging in Indonesia in March 2020. In that critical moment, the DGAS team decide to contribute intubation containment boxes […]
PT. DGAS ALAM Semesta Head Office moving from Graha Elnusa to Cibis Nine, Level 12, Unit N-2,Jl. TB Simatupang No.2, 12560. Jakarta Selatan.
PT DGAS Alam Semesta proudly holds the ISO 9001:2015 certification specifically focusing on the "sales, processing, and distribution of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)." Our commitment to quality is reflected in every aspect of our operations, ensuring that our customers receives top-notch service and environmentally friendly energy solutions. With a dedicated focus on excellence, PT DGAS Alam Semesta stands as a trusted partner in delivering reliable and sustainable service to meet the evolving needs of the market.